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WATCH: Magic, Mirth & Meaning, Indigenous Storytime for Toddlers: Fluffy and the Stars by T’áncháy Redvers

On five Saturdays through spring, join Massy Arts, Massy Books and Orca Book Publishers for Magic, Mirth & Meaning, Indigenous Storytime for Toddlers, a series of launches for children’s books, read by their authors, online!

Fluffy and the Stars by T’áncháy Redvers (Orca Book Publishers)

About the Book

Shay and their dog Fluffy are best friends. Through the years they are each other’s source of comfort and companionship in times of both sadness and joy. When Shay learns that Fluffy is sick and they must say goodbye, they feel angry and scared. But Fluffy offers a gentle reassurance—as she always has—and Shay reflects on the meaningful bond they have shared with their friend and the love for her that they will hold in their heart forever.

This heartfelt imagining of what happens when a beloved pet dies offers children a caring introduction to the emotions of grief and loss, from a perspective of love and healing.

About the Author

T’áncháy Redvers is a Dene/Métis two-spirit writer, creator, speaker, advocate and multidisciplinary performer belonging to Deninu K’ue First Nation in Treaty 8 territory. They have been nationally and internationally recognized for their work and advocacy across many forms. T’áncháy co-founded We Matter, a national Indigenous-led organization dedicated to Indigenous youth hope and life promotion. T’áncháy has recently been enjoying screenwriting youth content for networks such as Apple TV+ and PBS Kids. They can usually be found dreaming up diverse stories and cuddling on the couch with their partner and their dogs, Yákay and Mocha, in Tkaronto (Toronto).